GRAM Webinar #7: Human Rights Principles in Safeguard Policies
5 October 2022
The 7th Grievance Redress and Accountability Mechanism (GRAM) partnership webinar will be hosted by the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This webinar will unpack options for meaningfully integrating human rights principles and requirements in safeguard policies and grievance mechanisms’ processes, drawing on OHCHR’s recent Benchmarking Study of DFI Safeguard Policies. SECU will present UNDP’s Human Rights Programming Principle and explain how it has contributed to SECU’s investigations.
This webinar is reserved for GRAM partners and members. For more information on GRAM, please visit the GRAM Partnership webpage.