Grievance Mechanisms as independent but integral parts of their parent organization: GRAM Partnership Webinar with UNDP-SECU
The relationship between a Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) on the one hand, and those who manage the parent institution on the other, can be a challenging one. Appropriately managing that relationship is key to protecting the GRM’s independence, legitimacy and overall effectiveness.
In this video (see the bottom of this page) senior staff of the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) of the United Nations Development Programme address this challenge. Paul Goodwin, Head of the unit, Richard Bissell, Lead Compliance Officer, and Christine Reddell, Research Specialist, provide an overview of good practices in handling those challenges. They focus on three imperatives: (1) ensuring independence, (2) maintaining transparency and addressing its impacts on the parent organization, and (3) managing expectations of different stakeholders regarding the mechanism’s activities.
This edited video is from the Grievance and Redress Accountability Mechanism (GRAM) Partnership final 2021 webinar which was hosted by SECU. 50 participants attended, mostly representing grievance mechanism of direct access entities of the Green Climate Fund.