Strengthening Grievance Redress Mechanisms – Launch of the IRM’s Online Training Modules
Three times a year, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) approves the accreditation of several entities. These are organizations which partner with the GCF to implement projects and programmes. As of August 2020, the GCF has 97 accredited entities. As part of the accreditation requirements of the GCF, these entities are expected to have a functioning grievance redress mechanism (GRM). GRMs address complaints from people who believe that they have been harmed by projects or programmes of the parent entity. The Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM) of the GCF is mandated to build the capacity of GRMs of the GCF’s Direct Access Entities (DAEs) (i.e. accredited entities at the sub-national, national, or regional level). Managing complaints from people who believe that they have been negatively affected by development projects, both at an institutional and at a project level, is key to enhancing the performance of the implementing organization.
As part of the IRM’s mandate to develop the capacity of GRMs of the GCF’s DAEs, the IRM supports, engages, and builds relationships with these entities to understand their needs better and identify the best way to strengthen them. For the staff of such GRMs and other practitioners in the field of accountability and grievance redress, the IRM has launched an online training course to strengthen the capacity of GRMs.

The online training was produced with the support of the Consensus Building Institute (CBI) and provides knowledge about the design, operation, and role of GRMs. The online course consists of nine modules about accountability, grievance redress, problem solving and compliance review. These nine modules are:
- Why does the IRM support Direct Access Entities to Establish Effective GRMs
- Principles of an Effective GRM
- Establishing a GRM
- Operating a GRM – Step by Step
- Responding to Complex Grievances
- Closing a Case
- Learning from GRMs
- Project Level GMs
- Accountability and Compliance Review
The course follows an interactive approach and includes hands-on exercises, example cases, voice overs, videos, quizzes, and additional useful material for the participants. The online training is primarily designed for GRMs of the accredited entities of the GCF. However, individuals and institutions interested in learning more about accountability, complaints handling, and how to ensure effective redress are also encouraged to take this course.
The virtual online training is free and takes around 10 hours to complete. Each participant who completes all modules successfully, will receive a course certificate. The IRM plans to revise and improve upon the course each year and the course will also be made available in French and Spanish next year.
The online training ‘Strengthening Grievance Redress Mechanisms’ is available on the GCF’s Learning Platform.
Course on Strengthening Grievance Redress Mechanisms:
If you have any questions and/or comments about the course, please feel free to contact us.