C0004 India

FP084: Enhancing climate resilience of India’s coastal communities

C0004 India

  • Type Complaint
  • Date received 20 May 2020
  • Case outcome Ineligible

In May 2020, the IRM received a complaint relating to FP084. The complaint was about the clearance of mangroves for the development of a housing scheme in Andhra Pradesh. The complainant(s) alleged that the GCF should have taken steps to stop the felling of mangroves because the GCF has a project in the state of Andhra Pradesh which claims to be conserving mangroves. In July 2020, the IRM declared the complaint ineligible because the felling of the mangroves for the housing scheme did not occur within the FP084 project area, nor was the felling conducted by the Accredited Entity. The IRM’s eligibility determination setting out the reasons for its assessment of ineligibility is available below. The complaint was also referred by the IRM to the Accredited Entity’s grievance redress mechanism, the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU), at the request of the complainant(s). On 14 January 2021, SECU declared the complaint eligible for further processing. On 27 April 2021, SECU published its Terms of Reference for the investigation. Details regarding SECU's handling of this complaint can be found on its website

Case status


20 May 2020

Eligibility / Preliminary inquiry

20 Jul 2020 - Ineligible



Nature of harm raised

Land degradation
Biodiversity impact
Environmental damage


Title Versions
Eligibility determination
Extension of time for eligibility determination

Project details

Project numberFP084
Project title Enhancing climate resilience of India’s coastal communities
Country India
Accredited Entity United Nations Development Programme
Result areas
Infrastructure and built environment
Livelihoods of people and communities
Risk category Category B