
C0003 Morocco

C0003 Morocco

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  • Date received

On 16 February 2020, the IRM received a complaint which was submitted through its online Case Management System (CMS). The complainant(s) had made a request for confidentiality, and the IRM provided confidentiality in accordance with its Procedures and Guidelines (PGs). The complaint related to GCF funded project FP043, the Saïss Water Conservation Project, based in the Saïss Plain in Morocco.

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C0004 India

C0004 India

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  • Date received

In May 2020, the IRM received a complaint relating to FP084. The complaint was about the clearance of mangroves for the development of a housing scheme in Andhra Pradesh. The complainant(s) alleged that the GCF should have taken steps to stop the felling of mangroves because the GCF has a project in the state of Andhra Pradesh which claims to be conserving mangroves. In July 2020, the IRM declared the complaint ineligible because the felling of the mangroves for the housing scheme did not occur within the FP084 project area, nor was the felling conducted by the Accredited Entity.

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C0001 Bangladesh

C0001 Bangladesh

  • Type
  • Date received

The complaint was filed by Transparency International Bangladesh on behalf of the mayor and 427 residents of the Satkhira municipality. The complaint alleged that funds had not yet been disbursed on FP004, though it had been approved by the Board in 2015. The complaint asserted that the complainants had suffered loss and damage because of this delay. The IRM examined the complaint and obtained preliminary information from the Secretariat and the representative of the complainant, and after due consideration declared the complaint ineligible.

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